Psychiatric nursing involves caring for the mentally challenged people and rehabilitating them. Psychiatry nurses are expected to find solution to all kinds of problems of their clients and thus be able to take on-the-spot decisions. The job requires thinking flexibly and also taking risks. In the new millennium, nurses with sound education, leadership qualities and broad vision are in greater demand all over the world than ever before. Constant research and increasing sophistication in technology are posing new challenges, requiring nurses to know the latest and improve their skills. Handbook of Psychiatric Nursing, which has provided authentic study material for trainee as well as practicing nurses for the last 10 years, has now been greatly expanded with latest information on the subject and totally restructured for students’ convenience. It is a comprehensive and authoritative work on clinical psychiatry having been written by a seasoned trainer of psychiatry nurses. The book attempts to give an all-around grooming to student nurses for their job. Every effort has been made to fulfill the requirements of the syllabus as prescribed by the Indian Nursing Council.