Home > Engineering > Civil Engineering > Strength of Materials
Strength of Materials, 4/e

Strength of Materials, 4/e

Vikas Publishing
  • 9789325971578
  • 496 pages
  • Paperback
  • 6.75 X 9.5 inches
  • Book 550.00
  • 2013


Over the last 17 years this book has become a students' companion due to its comprehensive coverage, student-friendly approach and the all-steps-explained style. This has made it the best-selling book among all the books on the subject. The author's zeal of presenting the text in line with the syllabuses has resulted in the edition at hand, which continues its run with all its salient features as earlier. Thus, it takes care of all the syllabuses on the subject and fully satisfies the needs of engineering students.

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1. Introduction, 2. Simple Stresses and Strains, 3. Compound Stresses and Strains, 4. Theories of Failure, 5. Shear Force and Bending Moment in Statically Determine Beams, 6. Stresses in Beams, 7. Deflection of Beams by Double Integration Method, 8. Deflection of Determinate Beams Using Moment area and Conjugate Beam Methods, 9. Deflection of Beams and Rigid Frames by Energy Methods, 10. Torsion, 11. Thin and Thick Cylinders and Spheres, 12. Columns and Struts