1. Introduction, 2. Simple Stresses and Strains, 3. Compound Stresses and Strains, 4. Theories of Failure, 5. Shear Force and Bending Moment in Statically Determine Beams, 6. Stresses in Beams, 7. Deflection of Beams by Double Integration Method, 8. Deflection of Determinate Beams Using Moment area and Conjugate Beam Methods, 9. Deflection of Beams and Rigid Frames by Energy Methods, 10. Torsion, 11. Thin and Thick Cylinders and Spheres, 12. Columns and Struts
♦ Overhaul of the text to match the changes in various syllabuses
♦ Additional topics and chapters for the benefit of mechanical engineers, like
• Stresses and strains in two- and three-dimensional systems, and Hooke's law
• Euler's buckling load and secant formula
• Deflection of determinate beams using moment area and conjugate beam methods
• Deflection of beams and rigid frames by energy methods
♦ Redrawing of some diagrams
• Use of SI units
• Summary of important concepts and formulae at the end of every chapter
• A large number of solved problems presented systematically
• A large number of exercise problems to test the students' ability
• Simple and clear explanation of concepts and the underlying theory in each chapter
• Generous use of diagrams (more than 550) for better understanding