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Principles of Education, 2/e

Principles of Education, 2/e

Vikas Publishing
  • 9780706973440
  • 192 pages
  • Paperback
  • 5.5 X 8.5 inches
  • Book 299.00


This book deals with the issues and trends in primary education in terms of curriculum construction, the agencies of education, the different schools of thought on education, and the role of schools and teachers. Care has been taken to include what education at this level should aim at and the duties of a teacher to achieve these aims. A brief note on great educators, their contribution to education and their educational experiments also form a part of this book.

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Part-I: Meaning and Scope of Education:
1. Aims of Education, 2. Great Educators and their Contribution

Part-II: Some Educational Experiments:
3. The Teacher