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Essentials of Educational Psychology, 3/e

Essentials of Educational Psychology, 3/e

Vikas Publishing
  • 9789325976146
  • 624 pages
  • Paperback
  • 6.75 X 9.5 inches
  • Book 495.00
  • 2014


This 'examination-oriented' and 'student-oriented' book is primarily designed to meet examination needs of the students of BEd, BT, LT and BA (Education). Its subject matter is authentic, has all-encompassing coverage and is deeply insightful. The text has been supplemented with charts, diagrams, figures and tables to make the subject interesting and more comprehensible. Such a unique combination brings crystal clarity into the concepts and enables students to obtain maximum marks in the examination.
With a view to provide a comprehensive overview of educational psychology, readers are introduced to the lives and works of some fifty great educational psychologists. This enables the students to unlock the doors of a treasure house of information, knowledge and wisdom enshrined in the thought and practices propounded by these masterminds. The third edition adds some new thoughts and approaches.

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1. Introduction to Educational Psychology, 2. Schools of Thought on Psychology and Their Contribution to Education, 3. Methods to Improve Teaching-Learning Process, 4. Needs and Problems of Children, 5. Development and Growth, 6. Heredity (Nature) and Environment (Nurture), 7. Nervous and Endocrine Systems, 8. Individual Differences (Understanding The Learner as A Person), 9. Physical and Motor Development, 10. Emotional and Social Development (Socialization), 11. Mental or Intellectual Development, 12. Language Development and Moral Development, 13. Adolescence, 14. Learning, Maturation and Learning Curve, 15. Motivation in Learning, 16. Learning (Memorizing and Remembering) and Forgetting, 17. Transfer of Learning / Training, 18. Theories of Learning and Their Educational Implications, 19. Sensation, Perception, Concept of Formation and Thinking, 20. Interest, Aptitude, Attitude and Attention, 21. Intelligence and Intelligence Tests, 22. Personality and Personality Development, 23. Theories of Personalities, 24. Personality Assessment and Measurement, 25. Exceptional Children, 26. Education for Children with Special Needs, 27. Creativity, 28. Adjustment, 29. Mental Hygiene and Mental Health, 30. Psychology of Group Behaviour and Group Dynamics, 31. Guidance and Counselling, 32. Diverse Issues, 33. Practical Work (Experiments in Psychology), 34. Inclusive Education (by Prof. Monika Davar) • Appendix: Some Useful Statistical Concepts and Techniques