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Comparative Education, 2/e

Comparative Education, 2/e

Vikas Publishing
  • 9788125911302
  • 616 pages
  • Paperback
  • 5.5 X 8.5 inches
  • Book 660.00


This book deals with the principles of Comparative Education, its factors, methods and aims to make the education system of a country truly national. The educational system of U.S.A., U.K. and Russia (after disintegration of the former USSR) from pre-primary level to the university level has been discussed in this book. The nature of teacher, adult and technical education and other allied topics have also been analysed.
In parts III and IV of this book, the problems of the Indian Education from the pre-primary level to the University level have been discussed in great detail. This book presents the latest picture of the subject matter with up-to-date information and incorporates statistical information (data up to 2001) wherever necessary. This book also deals with topics such as student’s unrest, multipurpose schools, women, adult and compulsory education, public schools and others.
This book fully covers the course of Comparative Education as taught to the undergraduate and post-graduate students in various universities.

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Part-I: Principles of Comparative Education:
1. Factors of Comparative Education, 2. Methods of Study of Comparative Education, 3. Development and Aims of Comparative Education, 4. Factors of National System of Education

Part-II: American Education:
5. The General Nature and Aims of American Education, 6. Nature of Educational Administration, 7. State Educational Administration, 8. Administration and Organisation of Local Schools, 9. Pre-primary Education, 10. Primary Education, 11. High School Education, 12. Adult Education, 13. Teacher Education, 14. University and College Education

Part-III: British Education:
15. Life and Character of the British People and their Education, 16. Control of Education in Great Britain, 17. Events Leading to the Growth of Primary Education, 18. Events Promoting the Growth of Secondary Education, 19. The Education Act of 1944, 1946 and 1948, 20. British University Education, 21. Modern Secondary Education, 22. The Modern Pre-Primary and Primary Education, 23. Teachers' Training and their Conditions, 24. Further Education, 25. Technical Education, 26. Adult Education and Youth Welfare Services, 27. Special Services in Education in Great Britain, 28. Meanings of Some Terms of British Education

Part-IV: Problems of Indian Education:
29. Problems of Pre-Primary Education, 30. Problems of Primary Education, 31. Wastage and Stagnation in Primary Education, 32. Compulsory Education, 33. Problems of Secondary Education, 34. Diversification of Secondary Education Curriculum, 35. Multi-purpose Schools, 36. Problems of Women's Education, 37. Problems of University Education, 38. Teachers' Training, 39. Problems of Technical Education, 40. Problems of Adult Education, 41. Problems of Education of the Handicapped and Disabled, 42. Education of Scheduled Castes and Tribes, 43. National and Emotional Integration and Education, 44. The Problem of Student Unrest, 45. The Problem of Text Books, 46. Public Schools in India, 47. Moral Education, 48. Religious Education, 49. Indianisation of Education

Part-V: Russian Education:
50. Introduction, 51. Democratic Philosophy of Education in Russia, 52. Control of Education in Russia, 53. Pre-Primary Education, 54. Primary Education, 55. Secondary Education, 56. Teacher Education, 57. Higher Education, 58. Adult Education

Part-VI: General Trends in Comparative Education:
59. General Trends in Comparative Education