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Industrial Marketing Management

Industrial Marketing Management

Vikas Publishing
  • 9788125913719
  • 304 pages
  • Paperback
  • 6.25 X 9.5 inches
  • Book 475.00
  • 2003


Industrial Marketing Management provides a comprehensive review and analysis of industrial marketing issues, practices and strategies with reference to Indian scenario. The main focus of this book is on building a conceptual understanding for developing industrial marketing strategies. It includes analysis of the caselets, which will sharpen the analytical ability of the students.
An indispensable textbook for the students of MBA, MMM and Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing Management.

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1. Industrial Marketing Landscape, 2. Industrial Markets, Goods and Customers, 3. Industrial Buying Behaviour, 4. Industrial Market Segmentation, 5. Industrial Marketing Planning, 6. Industrial Product Planning and Development, 7. Industrial Product Pricing, 8. Industrial Advertising and Sales Promotion, 9. Industrial Marketing Research, 10. Projects Marketing, 11. Logistics and Marketing Control • Cases • Glossary • Suggested Reading • Index