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Event Marketing and Management

Event Marketing and Management

Vikas Publishing
  • 9788125914495
  • 260 pages
  • Paperback
  • 7.25 X 9.5 inches
  • Book 450.00
  • 2003


This remarkable book targets the Event Professional as well as the novice in highlighting the efforts needed to conduct an event of any nature. India-centric in its focus, the book also has a plethora of international examples aimed at providing an in-depth understanding of Events as a strategic communication tool at the generic level.

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Part-I: Introduction to Events: 1. What are Events, 2. Why Events, 3. Key Elements of Events, Part-II: Event Marketing: 4. Understanding the Event Market, 5. Concept of Product in Events, 6. Concept of Pricing in Events, 7. Concept of Promotion in Events, 8. Event Management, 9. Strategic Market Planning, 10. Strategic Alternatives for Growth, 11. Evaluation of Event Performance • Appendices: A. Competitive Assessment, B. Market Attractiveness and Business Strength, C. Snapshot: Event Organisers, D. Snapshot: Who's Sponsoring What and Where, E. Case Study: A2Z Events • References • Index