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Organizational Behaviour: Text and Cases, 3/e

Organizational Behaviour: Text and Cases, 3/e

Vikas Publishing
  • 9789325986695
  • 588 pages
  • Paperback
  • 8.5 X 11 inches
  • Book 650.00
  • 2015


The third edition of Organizational Behaviour: Text and Cases offers a concise yet comprehensive coverage of the theories that determine behaviour in organizations. The relationship between effective organizational behaviour and the effective functioning of an organization is established through a clear and lucid style of presentation.
With the help of necessary concepts, tools and techniques necessary for understanding behaviour in organizations, this book attempts to unfold human behaviour at four levels; starting from the individual processes and moving on to the interpersonal, organizational, and change processes. It encourages active learning through exercises, field projects and case studies, and develops competencies that are essential for becoming successful managers and effective employees in organizations. The three new chapters—Career, Planning and Management; Performance and Reward Management; and Gender Issues in Management—help readers understand organizational behaviour in the current Indian business scenario better.

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1. Managing Organizational Behaviour, 2. Personality, 3. Perception, 4. Learning and Reinforcement, 5. Attitudes and Values, 6. Work Motivation, 7. Work Stress, 8. Organizational Communication, 9. Managing Group Dynamics, 10. Leadership, 11. Managing Conflicts and Negotiations, 12. Decision Making and Problem Solving, 13. Organizational Structures and Design, 14. Power and Political Behaviour in Organizations, 15. Organizational Culture, 16. Nature of Planned Organizational Change, 17. Approaches to Planned Organizational Change, 18. Career, Planning and Management, 19. Performance and Reward Management, 20. Gender Issues in Management