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Government and Business, 6/e

Government and Business, 6/e

Vikas Publishing
  • 9788125910510
  • 544 pages
  • Paperback
  • 6.25 X 9.5 inches
  • Book 525.00
  • 2001


The present edition reflects the sea change in the government environment for business which has taken place in India during the last decade.
After a broad analysis of the international and national issues of the government business interface, it proceeds to study the various areas of administrative control over business operating in India. It discusses the policy frames and implications of Industrial Policy, MRTP Act, Company Law, control over Stock Market, control over Foreign Investment, Prices and Distribution, Control of Essential Commodities, Import Control and Export Promotion and Control. Government’s promotional role and its role as a planner in relation to business are also studied.

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1. Public Control of Business: The Historical Setting, 2. Constitutional Framework of Government Control of Business, 3. Industrial Policy and Industrial Licensing, 4. Control of Monopolies: Experience and Implications, 5. Company Law of India, 6. Trends in Corporate Management Since Independence, 7. Government Control over Foreign Direct Investment and Collaboration, 8. Capital Market, Stock Exchange and SEBI, 9. Government Control over Distribution and Price of Essential Commodities, 10. Import Control, 11. Exports and Government Policy, 12. Government's Promotional Role in Industrial Development, 13. Public Sector Development Banking, 14. Government Policy and Small-Scale Industry, 15. Government and Planning, 16. India's Ninth Five Year Plan, 17. Interface Between Government and Public Sector, 18. Environment & Pollution Control, 19. Privatisation—A Global Revolution of the 1980s. 20. New Economic Policy Environment in India and Early Experiments with Privatisation