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Business Communication (as per NEP-UP, for B.Com, Sem I)

Business Communication (as per NEP-UP, for B.Com, Sem I)

Vikas Publishing
  • 9789354534232
  • 150 pages
  • Paperback
  • 6.75"x9.5" inches
  • Book 195.00
  • 2022

As we usher in the New Education Policy (NEP) 2020, the significance of soft skills, specifically skills in communication, is greatly enhanced.
One of the core skills sought by business houses is the ability to conduct and communicate with others effectively. Amongst the top five criteria for selecting employees, four communication skills – speaking, writing, listening and interpersonal communication – are rated by recruiters as the most important. Effective communication brings people together. For a business to be successful and relationships to remain healthy, communication plays a vital role.
This book is especially written to meet this purpose. It is in exact conformity with the syllabus of ‘Business Communication’ paper of B.Com, Semester I of all Uttar Pradesh universities and colleges, as per National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.

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Preface v
Syllabus vii
Unit I
Chapter 1: Process of Communication
Chapter 2: Types of Communication
Chapter 3: Different Forms and Directions of Communication
Chapter 4: Barriers to Communication
Chapter 5: E-Correspondence

Unit II
Chapter 6: Non-verbal Communication
Chapter 7: Interview Skills
Chapter 8: Résumé Writing

Unit III
Chapter 9: Importance of Business Language
Chapter 10: Oral Presentation - Importance, Characteristics/Powerpoint Presentation Chapter 11: Writing Skills
Chapter 12: Office Correspondence 

Unit IV
Chapter 13: Report Writing