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Business Statistics (as per NEP-UP, for B.Com, Sem I)

Business Statistics (as per NEP-UP, for B.Com, Sem I)

Vikas Publishing
  • 9789354534157
  • 325 pages
  • Paperback
  • 6.75"x9.5" inches
  • Book 425.00
  • 2022

The book is designed as per the syllabus of Business Statistics for the universities and colleges of Uttar Pradesh according to National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. The book provides readers with an understanding of problem-solving methods, and analysis, thus enabling them to develop the required skills and apply statistical techniques to decision-making problems. 

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J K Sharma, formerly a professor at the Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi, has more than 40 years of teaching experience of Operations Research, Business Statistics, Business Mathematics, Supply Chain Management, and Project Management. He was awarded the Madan Mohan Gold Medal for securing the first position in MSc (Mathematics) examination. He has been a visiting professor at Group ESSEC (A Graduate School of Management) in France during 1992-94, Amity University, Dubai campus during 2011-12 and Amity Institute of Higher Education, Mauritius during 2012-13. He has authored 25 books, which have been widely appreciated by the students of undergraduate and postgraduate classes of all the Indian universities/management institutes. Besides, he has also written more than 135 research papers/case studies. Also, 21 students got Ph.D. degree under his supervision.