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International Economics, 2/e

International Economics, 2/e

Vikas Publishing
  • 9780706995862
  • 480 pages
  • Paperback
  • 6.25 X 9.5 inches
  • Book 535.00


International Economics is one of the important branches of the study of economic science. The present book is a result of long years of teaching experience in International Economics at University level in several countries including India, Malaysia and the United States and is a definite improvement on other books available on the subject. The book is divided into two parts and explains in detail every aspect of the subject. It will be of use to students of M.A. (Economics), M.Com. as well as those studying this subject as M.Com. majors in the Universities of Malaysia, Singapore and other far eastern countries, as well as the countries of the South Pacific.

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Part One: International Trade Theory and Commercial Policy:
1. Introduction: The Principle of Trading, 2. The Classical Theory of International Trade: Comparative Advantage Model, 3. International Trade Equilibrium: Neo-Classical Analysis, 4. Terms of Trade: Concepts and Significance, 5. Foreign Trade and National Economies, 6. The Modern Theory of International Trade, 7. Obstacles to Trade and Trade Restrictions, 8. Commercial Policy-The Tariff Issue, 9. Commercial Policy: The Theory of Customs Unions

Part Two: Balance of Payments and Foreign Exchange Rate:
10. The Balance of Payments: Definitions and Concepts, 11. Foreign Trade and National Economics, 12. The Balance of Payments and Foreign Exchange Rate, 13. Balance of Payments Adjustment Mechanism: Automatic System, 14. Balance of Payments Adjustment: Policy Issues, 15. Optimum Currency Area Theories, 16. International Liquidity and The World Monetary System, 17. Trade Problems of Less Developed Countries

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