Section-I: Fundamental Topics: 1. Project Management and Corporate Planning, 2. Corporate Financial Objective, 3. Time Value of Money, 4. Interest Rate and Basics of Cost of Capital, 5. Cost of Capital, Section-II: Concept Stage: 6. Strategic Investment Decisions and Project Ideas, 7. Project Feasibility Study (Market, Technical and Financial Feasibility), 8. Project Financing, Section-III: Analysis Stage I: 9. Cost-Benefit Analysis (Cash Flow Projections), 10. Financial Analysis (Capital Budgeting Evaluation Techniques), 11. Critical Examination of Evaluation Techniques, 12. Required Rate of Return From Projects (Hurdle Rate) 13. Economic and Social Cost-Benefit Analysis (With Environmental Appraisal), Section-IV: Analysis Stage II (Risk Mitigation): 14. A Framework of Project Risk Management, 15. Project Risk Analysis, 16. Project Portfolio Risk, Section-V: Planning, Execution and Completion Stage: 17. Allocation of Limited Capital (Capital Rationing), 18. Network Analysis and Execution Plan (With Administrative Aspects), 19. Project Execution and Control, 20. Post-Completion Audit (PCA), Section-VI: Special Topics: 21. Inflation and Project Investment: 22. Economic Life of Projects and Replacement Policy, 23. Infrastructure Projects, 24. International Capital Budgeting • Financial Tables • Index
• Strategy, human aspect, administrative issues and systems approach are integrated in a single thread, while maintaining conceptual clarity and simplicity
• Enriched with more examples and real cases as well as enhanced diagrammatic explanations
• Use of spreadsheet is extensively explained in chapters where it is most applicable
• A continuous case, corresponding to the theme in each chapter, is used in the exercises for better understanding
• References, footnotes, web links added to give readers access to additional material for further reading
• New chapters like ';Infrastructure Projects' and ';Project Financing' have been added
• Chapters like ';Economic and Social Cost Benefit' and ';Network Analysis and Execution Plan' have been enriched with additional material
• New material has been added on components of interest rates; and the concepts of cost of capital and required rate of return are built on it
• Chapterization scheme has been revised in line with the phases of project life cycle