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S L Gupta

S L GUPTA is MSc (1959) from University of Lucknow and PhD (1964) from University of Jodhpur. He is Reader in Mathematics at the Shivaji College, University of Delhi. He has published several research papers in Indian and foreign Mathematical journals. He is a life member of the National Academy of Sciences of India and is associated with a number of mathematical activities. He has been a pioneer contributor to the introduction and development of the generalized Bessel functions.
List of Books written by S L Gupta


Fundamental Real Analysis, 4/e

Vikas Publishing


  • 9788125909897
  • 356 pages
  • Paperback
  • Rs.425.00


The fourth revised and enlarged edition of this book is thoroughly revised and enriched with solved problems, exercises and the book will meet the requirement of those who have to study fundamental real analysis in depth, keeping abreast with the syllabus of study. This thoroughly revised edition now consists of about 265 solved examples and about 650 exercises, replacing some of the earlier ones ...

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