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S.P. Varma

formerly Chairman, Department of Political Science and Director, South Asia Studies Centre, University of Rajasthan, and a National Fellow, ICCSR, has been teaching and doing research work on national and international politics for the last 45 years. He has published several books and contributed numerous papers to Indian and foreign journals.
Dr Varma has travelled extensively in India and abroad. During 1951-52 he was a Research Fellow at the London School of Economics and Political Science, during 1962-63 a Visiting Professor at the University of Oregon, Eugena (USA), during 1969-70 a Senior Research Fellow at the Universities of Columbia, New York and Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, during 1976-79 a Visiting Fellow at the Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Simla, during 1977- 78, a Visiting Professor at the University of Chicago (USA) and during 1979 at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
List of Books written by S.P. Varma


Modern Political Theory

Vikas Publishing


  • 9780706986822
  • 484 pages
  • Paperback
  • Rs.550.00



Modern Political Theory critically examines the contemporary state of political theory, making an assessment of the achievement and limitations of the 'Behavioural Revolution' in its totality, and reviews objectively the major paradigms and conceptual frameworks adopted by the discipline. The salient features of the contending conceptual ...

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