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He has been working as an Assistant Professor at the Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDI), Ahmedabad. He has contributed various books in the field of entrepreneurship and management, and has published research articles in various journals of national and international repute. At EDI, he has conducted several international programmes sponsored by the ITEC/SCAP Division of Ministry of External Affairs (Government of India) as a Program Director. Moreover, he has trained young entrepreneurs, women entrepreneurs, and tribal entrepreneurs in several programmes on behalf of Tata Steel Rural Development Society, Tata Steel.
He has been teaching courses on accounting and finance, entrepreneurship and business plan at EDI and several other institutions as a visiting/guest faculty, which include Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University (PDPU), NMIMS University, Regional Institute of Cooperative Management (Gandhinagar), Ahmedabad University (Ahmedabad), CEPT University (Ahmedabad), Amity University (Jaipur), and Ahmedabad Management Association. Recently, in the year 2013, he attended a ';Business Simulation' workshop held at University of Tennessee, Texas, US. He is a national team member of Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) India Team and Chief-Editor of Journal of Rural and Industrial Development.
List of Books written by AMIT KUMAR DWIVEDI



Vikas Publishing


  • 9789325987586
  • 192 pages
  • Paperback
  • Rs.199.00
  • 2015



This book has been written with total focus on meeting the objectives of the subject 'Industrial Project and Entrepreneurship Development' as given by the syllabus of WBSCTE. The text has been written so as to create interest in the minds of students in learning further.

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